Ugh, I really hate these kinds of "activism"

Apr 03, 2011 22:11

The SlutWalk was today. Click here to read an article in the Toronto Star about it.

It's supposed to be protesting against what a police officer said about avoiding sexual assault by not dressing like a slut. does this protest help? I don't get it. If somebody can explain this to me, that'd be great.

Wouldn't it make more sense to respond in a different way? Like getting a bunch of people to sit in front of police stations or high traffic areas holding signs that had FACTS on them or something? You know, the whole "did you know that blah blah blah" and maybe ones with myths (including the one about people who dress provocatively).

Apparently one of the requests the organizers made to the police was for them to "improve public outreach programs, with an emphasis on consent and 'rape myths.'"
Guess what?? It's not only the police's job to dispel myths! Anyone and everyone can do this. But how is dressing like a slut and walking around in Toronto supposed to accomplish this objective?

I think the whole SlutWalk thing is an ineffective approach to get out a message. The founders of the walk thought that the police would respond to the event. But they didn't. Hmm, I wonder why? It just seems like a poorly thought out idea.

What did the "sluts" in the walk get from the walk? Did they even know what they were walking for? I bet most people were in it just to dress up and walk in a group. This reminds me of the facebook "awareness campaigns" on breast cancer and child abuse. Posting a mysteriously suggestive status or changing your profile pic to your favourite childhood cartoon isn't going to do shit. Yes, now that everyone has Barney and Mickey as their picture, child abuse will cease to exist. What a load of crap! This stuff makes me lose hope in humanity.

What do you think?

toronto, annoying

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