Oct 11, 2010 18:35
Savannah Derby Devils away game bout number two under my belt, under a watchful eye because that's what we noobs do- watch. Something I'm perfectly a-ok with because at this point I'm still a glowing candidate for absolute slaughter.
Being the spectator is incredibly stressful. You kind of want to jump in there to relieve some of the burden off your teammates, to use your god awful nooblet skills to fuck with the other team. Look at me being obnoxious and making pretend I don't know the rules just to frustrate you and distract you and tucker you out for a bit.
Can't do that though.
This past bout against Jacksonville, FL's New Jax City Rollergirls was particularly painful to watch. Not because we sooo lost, but because one of our girls got taken out on a stretcher and there was a pole on the track... a pole.
From the looks of it, having a covered pole on the outside track boundary was legal because it was not a WFTDA sanctioned bout and there was still the appropriate clearance between track and audience seating. From now on, we can put in our contract that we're not skating in such grossly unsafe conditions. For that bout we were shit out of luck because were unaware of this obstruction.
Thankfully no one smacked themselves into said pole too hard, but as often as skaters get sent out of bounds there were some close calls and intentional dodging of the fucking thing. It made me extremely nervous.
And then on top of that, one of my teammates fell hard enough she had to go to the hospital. A little scary as it was unclear how badly she's been hurt until well after the bout and after we had all gathered in the hospital. Sitting in that suspension of just not knowing feels miserable.
And another thing, I really don't like the inconvenience of injury. I hope I never get hurt that badly because sometimes I have shit to do. Sometimes I have plans for the next day. The idea of being like, oh great I'm stuck in a random city for a night or two in a hospital makes me want to punch someone in the face. And as much as I love hospital jello, no amount of hospital jello would make me happy over some overnight stay.
Fortunately, my teammate was released that same night, and my after game meal of McDonald's didn't give me gas because I was in a carpool and that would have been bad news.