Nov 17, 2009 22:16
hoo boy it seems as if i've been mia from lj. so what have i been up to?
i was busy with work the past two/three weeks because of an annual major fundraising event the organization i work for does. i organised volunteers, worked on marketing efforts, worked the event itself, and scrubbed the last remnants of bbq and pork fat off of tables and coolers and myself. dealing with difficult people made it all miserable. glad that it's over.
finally got around to watching Dexter. i knew i'd like the show (serial killers...forensics... of course) but i wasn't expecting to get so wrapped up in it! i watched half of season 2 in one day! i feel like a lazy loser.
i'm not a fan of all the spanish without subtitles, or sgt. doakes and his permanently pursed lips and aggressive bullshit. looove batista. i think he's so sweet. :) but lila's mouth creeps me the fuck out!!! don't know what it is but i just want to fix her face. get a new sponsor dex!
i've been getting a few opportunities to drive by myself here and there. driving by myself more often means that i'm jonesing for my own car. next year, i think i'm really going to make a concentrated effort to save up for one. been eyeing those funny looking chevy hhr's.
some of you already know that i've been taking swim lessons. i've been making great progress but it's still questionable as to whether or not i'd survive if thrown in the deep end of the pool. i think next class i'll work on treading water. i just don't get how your legs are supposed to move. it baffles me (tips, advice???), so wish me luck!
saved the biggest news for last: i have health insurance! i feel like a real, live adult. i jumped up and down like an idiot when my card came in the mail, called mother and everfing. :B and on a related side note... it should come as no surprise that i'm pro-choice and while our alt weekly poo-pooed our democratic congressman for voting against the health care reform bill, i wanted to give the dude a high-five.
NOT happy with this abortion amendment AT ALL. whether you're pro life or pro choice, that fact of the matter is abortions aren't going to dissapear off the face of the planet. let's get real. i don't understand how health care reform should be limiting health care. how the fuck does it make sense to want to improve health care for americans, but then restrict access to a properly done medical procedure eventhough studies have shown that women only further endanger their health (if not their lives) to terminate a pregnancy when safe, legal abortion isn't an option for them.
while there are still positive things that may come out of this health care reform, i'm not so keen on it anymore thanks to this ridic amendment. i'd rather the senate not pass it if it's going to mean going back into time on women's reproductive rights. christ on a cracker.