May 31, 2005 18:35

Wowwww my MEMORIAL DAY was off tha damn chain fo real, haha well first I woke up and uhh then me, my dad, n my sisters went to breakfast at..3:00 at Bob Evans(Hahahaha)and thenn we went over to my cousins house, picked them up and then..of course me n my sisters Tori & Reni went shoppin like tha pimps that we are and then uhh that took us like an hour haha to find a pair of jeans and t-shirt! We went to Old Navy n n Tori got tha same shirt so she was pissed off for a min. then she got over it :). I thought it was hot, I mean c’mon now..who wouldn’t wanna look like they were “associated” with ME.?. Hahaha anyways uhh lets see, after we left the stores, my auntie took me, my sisters, n my 3 cousins to tha largest carnival in Michigan (yeah bitch)..haha it’s in Mt. Clemens n they’re open until June 12th and they stay open til 11:00 J so if u lookin for a hot carnival GO THERE.

So anyways we finally get to tha damn carnival annd everyone got out while me n Tori & Reni changed our clothes in tha truck cause we ghetto like that ahaha so then we got out and met up w/the rest of the crew..bought some wristbands ($140 fucking dollars total)..but then again we were like 9 people deep :). While we were there I got on tha Octopus, The Rainbow (I was screamin like hell), The Scrambler (haha I kno..pathetic), The umm one ride where u get in this lil car thing and it spins in a circle while it plays music (this fine ass dude kept starin back at me cause I’m fuckin hotttt like that), n then we got on tha most gangsta ride of them all….THE FERRIS WHEEL hahahahaha and b4 we took off the carnie guy was like “Don’t forget to put on your seatbelts!” so we lookin around like, “huh?” cause there wasn’t n e seatbelts! So my overly dramatic ass was like “WAIT, WAIT!” LMAO and I looked up and he was just laughin his ass off….i felt dumb but oh well it was funny. And then after that we went to play “DUNK THE ASSHOLE IN THE TANK OF WATER” lmao..i don’t know what u call it..but WE can’t throw so we spent like $20 on wasted balls.

Haha that sounds anyways uhh…earlier when I was watchin my sister ride this insane ride these “white tee boys” (that’s what I call em cause I donno their namez) were starin at me and talkin “amongst themselves” even tho I knew what tha hell they were talking about and GAWD DAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMNNNNNNNNNN they were hotttttttttttt they followed us around the park..and we followed them cause were stalkers ahahhaha so we finally caught up w/em while they were eatin and they just fucking stared at me…like the WHOLE time and kept walking really close to me ahahaha but I’m a flirt so it wuzz cool wit me of course J J. We met some otha hot dudes too that wanted me to get on this scary ass ride but I didn’t cause……..I was bein the retard that I am ahaha jp. But after that ma little cousins wanted to get on this one water slide they had there so they got on it and my little cousin Amir was on it and the boat thing got to the top and paused so he was scared and tried to climb OUT AT THE TOP OF THE FUCKING DROP! LMAO so I was yelling like hell trying to get him to sit down and LUCKILY he finally did..haha idiot. SO ANYWAYS the rest of the carnival time consisted of nasty food and sugarless kool-aid n starin at guys haha. So we left at like….8 or 9?

And we begged to go back to see our “fans” lmao (tha boi’z) but it was too late and we had to go to gay school..such a waste. BUT ONLY ? MORE DAYS..WE GET OUT JUNE 14TH! ANYWAYS so back to my memorial day bitch…we went to Meijer cause we had nothing else to do and these white dudes rolled up bumpin disco inferno but 50 for those who don’t know and then my cousin goes “SAPHIRE AND SATORIA DON’T LIKE WHEN WHITE PEOPLE LISTEN TO BLACK PEOPLE MUSIC" lmao so my aunt just told him to shut up or she'd slap tha shit outta him cause there were some white people comin out the store as soon as he said that., hahaaaa, retard. uMmmM what am i missing....i guess that's enough bout memorial day J.


haha Eric Munger goes "Saphire I had a dream last night that u were beating me up......sorry for my weirdness."

haha and then we were in French and we had to pair up w/some one to compete with and this guy looks back at me and goes "I'm gonna lose." "She's like on freakin' steroids."

hahaha i can't help it i'm smart...damn.

***reminder*** all the people goin to Cedar Point on June 10th need to attend tha meeting in HOMEROOM. :)

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