Ok! Since I’ve been really irritated with the way Bones has been handling Soul Eater as of late, I’m doing a slight manga pic spam :). Most of these are from the Baba Yaga arc, which most fans seem to think has been a bit on the longish side. Me? Too much awesome has gone down for me to dislike this arc. Shippiness! Brew! Eibon! Mind rape! Side characters! Black Star vs Mifune fights! I can’t not enjoy this, come on.
First off. THIS is what they cut from episode 43 amongst other things (which I realize couldn’t happen as they trigger demon hunter in episode 36, but yeah, still not happy about the scene being completely gone).
This is followed by Soul being all “ah, a “g”, THAT’S MY GIRL” and explosions <3333.
High fives for those who can sense souls! This does not include, ironically enough, Soul. Lol.
Oh my freaking goodness I just about died when Kim came to her senses. She STABS HIM and he still doesn’t give up on her. No words.
AHAHA Jacqueline :P.
This chapter nearly gave me a heart attack. Baaaw, Kiiiid. I really, really hope he activates the brew in the anime and we get a similar scene.
We won’t get too see Liz and Patti boozing up Giriko either, will we? ARGH.
kjdfshaskdjfh ahhhhh. Arachne mind rapes everyone, but Soul get stuck in it and grovels for, like, 15 PAGES. Holy crap dude. This page blew my mind.
I SHIP THEM SO HARD GUYS. She’s all “lol whut, get up you” and he’s all “…….ILU”. SQUEEEE.
Oh Stein! Oh Spirit! Oh Black Star! Oh SID. You are all so awesome I can’t contain it. Also, they’re talking about Maka, d’aawwww. Stop smoking around the baby Stein!
fff oh man. They hack each other apart for about 10 pages. It was amazing. I’m hoping this results in both calling it quits and Mifune finally JOINING them as he’s obviously not a bad guy.
That’s a wrap, waiting for this month’s chapter now :F.