Aug 07, 2008 04:13
Today was SO weird. I woke up to the sound of like 3 helicopters passing by my house over and over again. It was really annoying . I had James come over at this point because I didn't really know what was going on and just because. Thankfully he did because like 20 minutes after he got to my house there were SO many cops, undercover cars, and all that stuff surrounding my neighborhood. They were blocking the entrances, and 208th Avenue basically, and I don't think they were letting anyone in . There was one right across my lake in my back yard standing on a tree with his huge like rifle or whatever in his hand ! I was like WTF is going onn ? Nothing was on the local news so my friend texted me and told me to turn on CNN and my freaking community was on there, because they were " man-hunting " that guy who killed that agent ! So shortly after this a group of the cops / swat people or whatever they were got out their K9's ( isn't that what they call their search dogs ? ) and more huge effing guns and walked around inside my neighborhood, wearing their Swat-like uniforms. I looked out my back window and they were right there just searching everything, it was scary lol . I'm a baby, I know but I was freaked out ! Then once they moved on to my neighbors' houses I saw on FoxNews video of them doing this & it was like omg they were just here in my backyard doing that ! lOl . Nathalia was texting me, freaking out just as much as me lmao & told me that they actually weren't letting people past a certain point out here. I was so effing confused because later into this, they were going in to some Davie Shopping plaza looking for this guy so I didn't really know what was going on ! A little while later some of the cops left & I guess they were finally letting people out here because like ALL my neighbors got home at once . They ended up finding the guy in that Davie place so I guess them searching out here was just because they got a tip from someone .. But it was cool lOl getting to see all that up close & personall. The freaking killer guy lives right there in Silver Lakes, too ! But yeah it was nice to finally be able to leave lOl..
So now I'm here at 4AM and I can't freaking sleeepp. I'm like not tiredd. I hate that feeling when I want to sleep but can't because I'm not tired. It suckss.. I can't wait to see Pineapple Expressssss, I freaking LOVE James Franco !! & Seth Rogen is hilarious so I'm sure the movie will be hilarious . I saw StepBrothers the other night & it was pretty funny, a little weird at times but funny.
Well I guess I'm going to try to go to sleep nowww . nite nite .