“I’m sorry, sometimes these things just happen.”
It was the best piece of comfort that the nurse felt she could offer to the quiet blonde who sat in the hospital bed. Of course there was no response, there rarely was because what could you really say to a statement like that? Could you just shrug it off? Could you really just nod, smile and say that you hope it goes better the next time?
What next time though? Claire hadn’t even known about the baby this time! She hadn’t known about the little life that had been growing inside of her without her knowledge. She hadn’t known about the possible daughter or son that had been forming in the safe haven of her body till a jagged piece of metal pierced her from behind and destroyed what could have been.
As she remained in the darkness of the room, she tried to wrap her mind around the fact that she had even gotten pregnant in the first place. Not because she had thought it was impossible for her to get there but more because they hadn’t planned on it. There had been no discussion between Sylar and herself about the possibility of children or what they would do if she got pregnant. It pretty much had never crossed their minds as far as she knew. So they had never considered what would happen because they never considered the very real possibility of her getting pregnant or having a child.
There had been no morning sickness for her, no warning sign that clued her into the fact she had been pregnant. It was probably because of her ability; it was more than likely she would never be troubled with the normal symptoms that most women would get and she wondered now how far she would have gotten before she realized what was going on. How much weight would she have put on before she realized? Would she have realized it the first time she felt the baby move? She knew she would have noticed eventually because how did you really miss something like that in the long run? But there just hadn’t been enough time to notice it now, not until it was too late. Not until the doctor himself explained it to her.
What could she have done if she had known though? Would she have taken better care of herself? Undoubtedly, she would have. Once she had gotten over the shock, of course. But the miscarriage wasn’t her fault; it wasn’t something she had done. It was someone else’s doing, someone who had felt they needed revenge and so they had taken it. It was all because of the man who had been outside the hotel, the man who had tried to kill her and Peter but had only succeeded in killing something that hadn’t even had a chance.
She wasn’t ready to be a mother, she knew that much. She wasn’t ready for someone to look to her for all the answers, to depend on her for their life, their food and for all that a child would need. She knew Sylar wasn’t ready too. They were both in a selfish mode yet, too driven by other desires to really think about bringing a child into the world and raising it. Not only that, but their lives were too dangerous as well. They had too many people after then, too many people that wanted to see them dead or locked up somewhere. That was no life for a child.
Still, even with all the doubts and worries, there was a conviction that they would have made it work somehow but now it didn’t matter. Her baby was gone and the man who had gotten her pregnant was nowhere in sight. So she had no idea if he knew or not. Would he be as blindsided as she had been when he found out the truth? Would he be relieved or would he be mad? The baby had been his after all, another part of her that he considered as belonging to him and so would he be furious?
Would he be sad?
As she considered Sylar’s potential reaction, she let out a slow breath as she slid a hand over the flatness of her stomach and suddenly his reaction didn’t matter for a moment. Not when she felt the strongest urge to cry suddenly. She still wasn’t so sure how she felt about the fact that she had been pregnant but she couldn’t deny there was a certain sort of ache now that it was gone.
wc: 769
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