It was nice to sneak back to Greece for a night or two after everything had gone down and they would get back before the party that she was planning for Sylar with the others. It would give her some time alone with Hiro which was something they needed with all that had been going on lately with Bee's wedding, traveling and then the family drama.
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After a minute, she glances over at him. "So, I have a couple things to talk to you about."
He smiles at her. "A couple of things?"
"A couple things." She reiterates before continuing, "First, this Sunday we're doing a birthday party for Sylar. It's going to be in the Hamptons, Adam bought a new place." She squeezes his hand. "I would like for you to be there."
He gets quiet. "If it is his birthday, I am sure he would not want me there to ruin it. And I am not certain that Adam would want me in his house."
Then she grew serious as well, sighing. "I think they would both be fine." She looks down before looking at him again. "Hiro, I know it's difficult for you...considering what happened in the past. But this is my family and after we're married, they will be yours too. I don't want to worry all the time that I can't take you with me to big functions or to see them."
"As for Adam, yes you guys are complicated but you must have gotten past it once if you two know." She motions at him before looking with a blink. "They would never say such a thing to me. They know I've chosen to marry you."
Then he makes the comment that it's her family she must be concerned with and it hurts. She pushes to her feet, taking a few steps away before turning back. "How can you even say that? I need you just as much as I need them."
He watches her go, wondering if it is just a portent of things to come. "Because I am finite. I will only be a small portion of your very long life and they will always be there for you. They will help you get past the grief you feel when I am gone. I will give you whatever happiness it is within my power to give you, but I will die one day and they will be the ones you turn to. Even with my ability and the fact that it has given me more time than most men, eventually, I will be gone. I do not want to hurt the connections you truly need. The ones that will be there when I pass. They need you, too."
She stands there quietly, looking at him. "So then what, Hiro? What are you trying to say?"
"That you should consider your family's feelings over mine. Do not worry if you hurt my feelings, if it keeps the peace of your family. I am not important in the long run. I understand this. I cannot be the cause of disharmony between you and them. I respect them too much to ever try and take you away from them for my selfish reasons."
Her shoulders slump a little bit as she looks at him, just at a loss of what to say to him at the moment. "I...I see." She looks down at the ground as the wind tugs at her long blonde hair and causes it to dance around her features. "I guess....okay."
She can't help but feel hurt and confused. He is one of the most important people in the world to her, she would fight for him but she feels perhaps it's a little one sided now.
"I just wish...I wish I didn't have to worry about big family events like this."
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