reaction to heroes 3x20

Mar 23, 2009 23:16

- Sylar gave Doyle to Danko?  Um, yay?
- So you can tell Mom bought Dad's razors usually, he must be using the wrong ones.
- Aww, Angela is worried about her relationship with Peter
- Why do they need to always make Dad like he might be on the bad side?
- No surprise there, Danko turned on Mohinder.
- Ohh, Tracy is breathing ice!
- You know that this is going to end badly for Dad probably, right?
- Ohmigod, Hiro and the baby. Duh, he's trying to show you something!  Ohmigod, I have died.  WHOA!  The baby has a power!  Go you!
- Wow, Angela has some quick visions.  Wow, flirtatious grandmother!
- That's a new way of shoplifting.
- Gees Dad, you're just all over the place.
- *giggles*  Seriously...cold daddy.  Awww, can I hug Hiro now?
- How is that hiding?
- OMG Micah!!!!
- What in the...what does that baby do?  And hehe, poor Ando in the wheelbarrow
- Aww, Daphne is breaking up with Matt?  Cold.
- Micah is Rebel, whoot.  Though I'm still having a talk with him about sending Doyle to me.
- Uh oh, Angela better run.  OMG, yay Peter!
- I adore Micah.  Seriously, still having a talk though.  Tracy, don't yell out his name!
- WHOA. Wait...did she just kil herself?  WHOA.  o.o  Okay, I feel bad for any comments I made.
- Gees dad, you look a little hirrified.  And...did she just blink?  Fucking creepy.
- Wow, Hiro, did you freeze the whole town?
- I totally was confused there for a moment about how Matt was flying and what was going my heart is breaking.  Great, thanks Heroes for making me cry..

verses: canon, ooc notes, ooc: meta

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