03. Superman never made any money // For saving the world from Solomon Grundy // And sometimes I despair the world will never see // Another man like him - [‘Superman’s Song’ - Crash Test Dummies]
At one time it had been more of a joke, Claire and Peter teasing as they talked about the idea of becoming superheroes. She could jump in front of bullets to save people but of course Peter wouldn't wear his underwear over his pants. It had seen so easy at the time, they had still been in hiding and the world didn't know about them. They barely knew about each other. Yes, they had been concerned about Peter or Sylar exploding and destroying New York but that hadn't seemed as hard to stop as what was going on right now.
She could jump in front of bullets but sometimes she simply wasn't fast enough, sometimes it didn't matter. She hadn't been quick enough to save Matt's girlfriend, the blond still fell and Claire had only succeeded in getting caught. At least the others had gotten away but for how long? She had been carted off, ordered by her fathers to pretty much look the other way. Senator Skyboy (she refused to call him by his name now) ordered her around, acting like he made up for everything by giving her a free pass and her dad offered to do whatever he could. But what could he do? What could any of them do? The world was still oblivious for the most part but there were people aware of them now, people that saw them as animals and terrorists all because they were different. They weren't though, some of them wanted to be good. They were willing to help others to save lives but what did it matter if they were all freaks, right?
Claire rubbed her fingers against her eyes as she thought of the others being out there and she bit her lip a little. Peter, Matt, Hiro and even Mohinder; she couldn't remember the name of Hiro's friend since she wasn't sure she ever heard it. Not that it mattered, he was in the same boat, he was a target now but they didn't get a free pass. They would have to hide, they would have to keep low and she knew what was coming. She knew what Peter would do, just as assuredly Nathan had to know too. He wouldn't take this fight lying down, that was one thing Claire shared with her uncle.
They were going to try to tie her hands, they were going to try to control her and keep her in place. The idea sparked fury through her as she curled her hands against her sides, looking out the window as she looked at the calm street before her. Once again she was lying to her mom, she was lying to everyone as she acted like there weren't people out there being hunted like animals. She knew that she would be one of them in a heartbeat if she went against her dad and the Senator. Could she risk it though?
Could she throw away her chance at a normal life?
Beside her, her cellphone beeped and she looked at him. She didn't need to look at the screen to know who it was, she felt a slight chill race down her spine as she considered answering or not. She could ignore it, press delete and just go on with the life that they wanted her to have. And perhaps that was why she picked the phone up.
It wasn't about what they wanted, they weren't right. It wasn't about a hypocrite who obviously hated himself and didn't believe in family ties. It was about what she believed and what she knew, and she knew that she couldn't be normal. She couldn't pretend lke this wasn't all happening because it was and how far would they go? She had seen them do an air strike and she knew that they would go far. How long before they carted people with abilities into gas chambers, started destroying them because of fear of what they could do? It was like Primatech and Pinehearst, just on a larger scale and they were going after people she knew. People she cared about.
That was why she picked up the phone and read the message.