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Dec 08, 2008 02:30

     A little while after her arrival Sarah decides that not much can be accomplished by sitting around. She leaves the main room, deciding to explore the rest of the house and possibly find a way out of here herself. She doesn't find a way out, but she does find an empty bedroom, and though she isn't very old she's smart enough to commit to memory where it is in case she does get stuck in this place. She doesn't like the thought, but she at least realizes that it is a possibility. She leaves off the room, and that idea in favor of more exploration. Eventually she ends up in the library and finds herself scanning the titles of the books, some are familiar, some aren't. One in particular stands out and she pulls it down off the shelf, cracking it open and scanning the pages, becoming rather entranced in the work. Should someone wish to bother her, or sneak up on her they should feel free to do so, or should some one just happen across her that would be fine too.
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