Jan 15, 2010 01:24
New Harry Potter DH-Part 1 trailer. Um, idk wtf Hermonie is wearing in most of the scenes, srsly. Okay and like there were some people I didn't remember, lollllllll it was such a shit boring book I forgot most of it. Boo. Oh well, Ron you looking good.
Adam Lambert's 'What Do You Want From Me?' video leaked and I like it? I like the super flamboyancy and sexuality of 'For Your Entertainment' better, but I enjoy how fucking GORGEOUS and BEAUTIFUL Adam is, especially without so much makeup. Although I was confused, whether he was trying to speak to like, a boyfriend or friend or w/e, but then maybe the public cause that one scene of him getting in the car?? (Sidenote: a couple of weeks ago, Fox aired this commercial for American Idol, that was in all seriousness a Kradam fanvid and I lol'd a lot)
So I finished getting new music/ the great music reshuffling. Watson (red) is mostly full of songs, while Holmes (black) holds all my fanmixes and a few other artists and is half full. This means I can get moar music. Oh nom nom nom. Although with so much music, IDK what to listen to.
I miss Lost, Glee, and Supernatural. Come baaaaaack to me shows. Although Heroes and House have come back. Huzzah! Oh and Psych and Burn Notice must start soon! :D
I realized I have three days where I have 8AM classes, one of which is Friday. Why did I pick such a shit schedule?? I'm resisting going back to school so much. Baaawwwl.
ETA: I've noticed a disturbing trend that I always update my LJ late at night and I usually respond to emails late at night too. IDK what that says about me...