Oct 09, 2008 21:34
So it is pretty cold, but as long as I cling to Ryou it's not that bad! XD It was hard to do while hiking,(it was just hard to hike. D: Cold and high altitude and stamina that's not exactly the highest...) but sticking my hands in his pockets kept them warm at least! We don't get that sex in front of the fireplace like we've talked about before, but at least we got the snuggles and hot chocolate and s'mores! askjahfs DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH OF A TEASE IT IS TO SEE RYOU LICKING GOOEY MARSHMALLOW OFF HIS FINGERS?? I think the snow's made everyone weird and giddy, and I'm glad I brought my camera phone. ;D
I'm definitely not sleeping alone tonight. And no, it's NOT because of the weird noises coming from the forest!