Please note that, while these are not nudes, I am naked in bed. Your poor retina have been warned.
Oh, and there are two makeup-less photos from my Grandma's picnic. ><
Sorry if I make you vomit on the shiny community. ^_^;;
D00d, my hair looks so 80's. XD
Freaky color! (By the way, none of these are photoshopped EXCEPT for desaturation, and the last one of the "bed" set has a brighter light on it. SO NAH. =P)
I love freckles on other people, but on me? Ew. They don't go across my nose, they go STRAIGHT DOWN. ::scratches::
I look like I'm in a coffin...SWEET. XD
Bad. Shut up and rub my hip; it hurts. =P
For some odd reason, this makes me want to say "I will eat your babies!"
More freaky stuff, only now, it's WINDOW LIGHTING! XD
Guys? Sing me lullabyes. I <3 singing!
My nose almost looks round here! (Almost is the key word.)
These are actually for the gallery at my hosted website, but I'm not uploading them to my friend's server. I'd murder her bandwidth more than I already do. O_O
I should list make-up, right? Ooops. XD Um, little bit of clear lipgloss (which tastes like fruit salad, oh em gee!), some eyeliner on the top lid, and a biiiiiiit of foundation on my nose freckles. (WHICH DIDN'T WORK. BLARGH!)
This is the aforementioned "photoshopped" picture. I made the light brighter because...I dunno, I'm odd. XD Oh, and guys? Get a table fan. They are MUCHOS FUN! XD
Breakfast in bed!
Me, ready to go to my Grandma's cook-out for Mutti's Tag. No make-up, so please don't scorn my freckles...;_;
Same as above. I think I actually plucked my eyebrows for this one...AMAZING, DR. WATSON! *_*
Cross-posted at