Aug 17, 2004 22:33
soo lets catch up...
last night iwent to my pal marissa's house. we did the whole tv thang, took some pictures and of course watched summerland <3
jesse, we are getting married i love you <333
famous line of the night
me " if i was his hamburger i would burn him alive"
[ sticks tongue on finger and sizzles in the air ]
marissa : hysterical laughing
- okay so maybe you had to be there.
i had lacrosse practice. it ended early so my brother picked us up and dropped us off at vitro's house. we had a swim date, played some volleyball and some intense pool game. we all drowned see see a couple times. we watched the season finale of summerland :-( tear. we have to wait for it to come back on! jeremy and namor kept bothering us as we were watching it! how rude haha.
tomorrow is my birthday wahoo partayy! haha actually no, i have no idea what im doing. ill probaley celebrate it on my dad's birthday which is the next day, haha well make sure you wish me happy birthday losers!
well next time i write in here ill be sixteen! [ haha okay forgive me that was extremely corny ]
later loves.