Oct 20, 2004 18:55
hello mundo
today was ummm..interesting
i won a box of donuts in my english class
a whole fuckin box
just because i have an A in the class..
cool huh?
its funny how everything changes when ur holding a box of
people seem to notice you all of a sudden
haha..melissa and this cute boy named leo got a whole box too
and the rest of the kids in class who have Bs Cs & Ds n Fs
literally got pieces of donut
it was really funny
so then my mom picked me up afterschool
and we went to this place near portola called Pozis and bought fries..
so check it out
i come inside order and this like eigth grader comes up to me and goes
Your so beautiful...can i have a hug?...and i was like..uhhh
wats ur name and he's like Eric..and im like hi!..and i gave him a hug..
but then it got kinda gross cuz he kept staring and hes like
shit..i have a boner
and i was like eww..and walked out
ahhh..i love rain..
i love joe and meg and liza and amanda and josh and daniel too
but the rain wins..