Nov 13, 2004 01:31
i always think about the future. no matter what situation it is. i think, "whats going to happen after this?", "will my life completely change b/c of this action?". i've come to realize that i've let my morals go. i've become a different person probably because of my peers and because of the stressful situations i've been put in these past 2 years. i've did a complete 180 from the manda i used to be. i miss being the "mom" of the group that always had wise words to say to her friends. i used to be a role model. now im nothing. im a conformist. i dont want to be like that anymore. i've quit all drugs and drinking. i only now need to quit my one addiction, which is cigarettes, and cut off my entire life from boys. (?) dunno about that. but im definatly going to think before i act now. i've havent been doing that recently, and its depressing. i hate being the topic of discussion, if i ever was, and i hate drama. im tired of my life right now. i want new things. new people, new excitement. everything has just become a habit. work, then school, then the same people. im not going to change my friends but it would be nice if we could all do something different for a change. Change is Nice. I enjoy change. we'll see.
"perfect eyes will have perfect aim" -brand new