-4- Sendin' out an SOS!

Dec 01, 2010 16:27

[This entry has a lot of water droplets on it... and more steadily dripping in the center. The writer is nearly soaked from head to toe.]

Ahh, the snow! It's so fluffy and pretty, isn't it!? I decided to build another snow fort to celebrate my day off, and nothing warms the heart and soul like enjoying your handiwork with a big thermos of hot chocolate!

So there I was, having a drink, Feathers by my side ...and that was when the enemy came, nearly a dozen invaders from all around crafting snowballs and pelting the fort! "We're gonna take your fort, Mister!" One of them said. I told them they'd have to take it from my cold, dead fingers... and war began! (One of them skinned their knee and started to cry, so I called a time out to patch them up... I know this is war, but nobody should be getting hurt here!)

Noble citizens of Edensphere, The Mighty Nightlaser needs your help! The enemy forces- the local kids- intend to destroy the fort and myself with it! I need reinforcements to hold the line and show no mercy on these crafty little buggers! My fort will not last the night!

[Yeah, he's goofing off with a bunch of the kiddos. If you play a shorty and wanna claim to be part of the 'enemy forces', go nuts~]
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