[OOC Bio and Mun Contacts]

Sep 07, 2008 02:10

Name/Nickname: Rian
AIM/E-mail/Contact: KindaLikeUtopia/rianrps@gmail.com
LJ: ”minachi”

Canon Character and Series: Franziska von Karma from Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
In-Game Name: Commander Franziska von Karma
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Position & Ship: First Mate on the Amestris.

Appearance: Franziska stands 5'4”, but her heeled boots add another 2”. She is fit and slim, but not at all boyish. Her blue hair is kept short along her jawline, and she has a small beauty mark under her left eye. At her ears are a pair of silver earrings - her soft spot for jewelry also manifests in a turquoise brooch at her neck and various bracelets. Franziska's facial expressions are limited; most common is a look of smug superiority or a cold sneer to anyone (that means everyone) who deserves it. This, in combination with her piercing blue-gray eyes and domineering personality, makes it difficult for the common man to avoid cowering in her presence.
Like her father, Franziska's attire is professional, of superior quality, and perfect. Her everyday wear is comprised of a fitted black vest atop a pencil skirt that hits mid-thigh. The vest is sleeveless and clasped by two turquoise buttons. Beneath this, she wears a white dress shit with fashionably enlarged shoulders, gauntlets in the place of cuffs and a pair of thin black leather gloves. She has black leggings and ankle-high black leather boots. In keeping with the von Karma style, she also wears a white, bow-shaped cravat, fastened with a triangular brooch. Her trademark partner is her 10ft whip; she is never seen without it.

Personality: Franziska takes her father's insistence (and ideas) on “perfection” very seriously. She will do whatever is necessary to achieve her goal perfectly, and is not above using deception, blackmail, underhanded mind games, or sheer physical abuse. Above all else, Franziska strives to be the perfect scion of justice. While her methods are often abrasive, her goals are ultimately for a better cause - fairness, order, and the elimination of wrongdoers or those who would cause harm to her country. Ms. von Karma does not suffer fools gladly, and most everyone is a fool.
Franziska is domineering, controlling, and arrogant - not that she considers these bad traits - and she is not secretly a nice young woman. The assumption of such will lead to immediate pain. Her mind is sharp (much like her tongue), calculating, and does not consider, or understand, the concepts of defeat or failure - perfection (success) is always the only option. She is only slightly less abusive to her allies.
Her speech is very formal (she usually calls people by their full title and name, when bothering to address them), and Franziska has no qualms about voicing her opinions openly, loudly, and in public spaces. In the rare event that someone manages to get under her skin, she tends to fire off rapid, repetitive insults (most often based around the word “fool”) in an attempt to berate the hapless sod back into submission.
It should be noted that Franziska does have a slightly less homicidal side to her, though it rarely manifests. While she does not “love” her Papa in the conventional sense, she has a deep respect and admiration of him. Her adoptive “little” brother Miles Edgeworth is the only person for whom she feels any kind of affection - this does not save him from her vicious temper or frequent scorn, but does make her oddly over-protective of him. While this is the exception to the rule, she can develop a grudging respect for the few her manage to truly stand up to her or share her ideals or goals.

Abilities/Weapons: Franziska’s foremost skill is her mind. Her regimented upbringing, both in and out of the Academy, has instilled in her a knack for order and logic so deep it has almost replaced her gut instincts. Her father’s influence gave her not only a drive for perfection, but also helped to hone Franziska’s sharp wit and powerful personality. As her performance in school was perfect, she also has an extensive storehouse of knowledge - primarily military and political - at her disposal. She is, the vast majority of the time, an excellent officer.
When the need for combat arises, Franziska’s first line of offense consists primarily of hand-to-hand combat, based around her ability to hit fast and hard while rarely getting touched in return - she might be smaller than most, but she has long since learned how to use the momentum of larger opponents. Her shoes are reinforced with steel in both the toe and heel, making her legs especially dangerous weapons. Franziska is also well-trained in all common weapons, but prefers guns to any heavier alternatives. Her whip, while painful, is primarily a discipline tool, and she prefers not to use it in actual combat.

Weaknesses: As a side effect of her caustic personality, Franziska makes more enemies than friends. It's probably more accurate to say that she makes only enemies - her Papa and brother are the only people she shows a modicum of kindness towards. As such, she has poor social tact and quickly becomes insufferable to everyone she meets. Franziska is very pessimistic in relation to other people - she expects the worse in others because the alternative is utterly incomprehensible. She trusts no one.
While she is creative, she cannot think too far outside the box and does occasionally come up against situations that she simply cannot grasp. Additionally, she is not physically powerful (being rather petite), and if caught off-guard has an extremely difficult time recovering. Her abilities depend on her having some element of surprise. She cannot cope with defeat or failure.

History: Franziska’s early childhood was, contextually, uneventful - born the second child of the von Karma family (main branch), she grew up in a strictly regimented household. From a young age, she was taught manners, reading, writing, history, science, and basics of a variety of other subjects alongside her older sister, whose career did not take a military term. Her father, Manfred, had little to do with her rearing, but this is not to say he was neglectful, merely that he represented a distant uncle instead of a stereotypically paternal father. Franziska holds a great amount of respect for her father, and strives to match his standards of ‘perfection’.
When she was around still quite young, Manfred unexpectedly adopted a boy of 10 into the family fold, casually explaining to Franziska that this boy - one Miles Edgeworth - was to be raised alongside her. Young Franziska took quite seriously to this charge and so assisted (see: berated) him as well she could while the two grew up - they regard each other as siblings, though Franziska is quite adamant about protecting her “little brother” from anything foolish.
In a pique of early will-power (or brattiness), Franziska insisted adamantly upon attending the Belarus Academy at the same time as her brother. After her father pulled the necessary strings, she entered school accompanied by a rumor that she was only in attendance because of her family’s position. This notion was quickly dispelled after several older students found themselves at the business end of her riding crop.
After her graduation, Franziska was awarded the rank of Commander and assigned to her father’s ship, the Victoria II, as a Quartermaster. She was reassigned to a ground post a year later, much to her chagrin, and spent the next few months clawing her way back up to the skies. By the time she was able to request a post again, the Victoria II had been decommissioned, her father honorably discharged, and her brother all but estranged from the family. Still determined to do her duty, though, Franziska willingly took an officer post on the newly-commissioned diplomat ship Amestris, unaware of the precarious position her father's actions had put her in, or the strings pulling her closer to the enigmatic King Bradley.

ooc, bio

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