003 [Filter: Victoria II // Voice]

Sep 11, 2008 17:31

[The sound of zombie apocalypse battle gradually picks up as she gets closer to the barricade.]

To the fools at the front lines - you must be particularly foolish individuals to not only engage in hand-to-hand combat with these...things, but also manage to get yourself bitten. Pray you can escape before one of us aims in your directio- [She cuts off abruptly, apparently now close enough to see the battle, but recovers quickly enough. There is a grating sound of metal-on-metal and the deafening sound of rapid fire from a handgun at point-blank range.]

[Her voice is slightly shaken, but any uncertainty is vastly overridden by controlled rage and concentration.] *tch* Monsters they may be, but they are foolish and slow. They die easy enough.

keel you all, action!, fools, voice, f: victoria ii, foolish zombies

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