Oct 31, 2004 22:14
homecoming was fun. met up w/ meagan at 30th st and we took the train back to b-town and walked to her house. that was an adventure. so much walking, but it was fun. everyone met at kevins before the game. went to the game. saw mrs hughes, mr barbetta, and mrs cantwell, the three teachers i wanted to see the most. got to see all the people that i wanted to see the most....wouldve liked to see a few others, but oh well. pub afterwards which was fun. then poker/all nighter at kods. didnt win poker but it still was fun. probably didnt go to bed until 7 in the morning or so. saturday woke up at breafast and went home for a bit. took little brother to got see shark tales but fell asleep durin movie. back to kevins for trivial pursuit/poker/sleepover. me and megan dominated trivial pursuit for most of the game, but were stuck on one spot that hurt us. won poker that night. sleep. quiznos. seeing everyone. good weekend. cant wait for thanksgiving now.