(no subject)

Apr 06, 2011 15:18

If you haven't seen Capcom's trailer celebrating RE's 15th anniversary yet, go watch. It's epic and cool and WESKER'S NARRATION IS SO CLASSICALLY CHEESY THAT IT IS TOTES 100% RESIDENT EVIL FROM START TO FINISH. XDD They totally should have finished it with "I'LL GIVE YOU S.T.A.R.S.!" Ahhhhhh, I can't wait for these next games, although I realized that we have THREE new ones in the next year, and none of 'em are even RE6, ahaha. Then again, I'm in no rush to see fandumb hate all over it, so whatever. Speaking of, I had an interesting/lol wut convo with my mom on the subject recently.

Me: /makes some passing comment about Wesker being dead
Mom: *shocked* What?? When did Wesker die?
Me: ...At... the end of Resident Evil 5.
Mom: /stares
Me: ...In the volcano? Chris and Sheva blew his head off with RPGs...?
Mom: *pause* ... *shifty look* Is he reaaaaally dead, though? >_>
Me: >_> *skeptical* ...Mmm-hmmm...

lmao she just had the same exact reaction that everyone who ever played RE5 had. X'DD

And then there was when I was playing Versus the other day FINALLY GOT TWO OF THE ACHIEVEMENTS AW YEAH THREE MORE TO GO and I caught sight of a Wesker following me:

Me: :| Niiiiiice Wesker...
Mom: *doing stuff on her computer in the background, but suddenly snerks* Wesker? Nice?
Me: ....Oh, yeah. |D

And my dad's first reaction to learning about Operation Raccoon City? "I wanna play as HUNK!"

We. Are an American family. What can I say.

IT IS SUCH A HARD DECISION, but ultimately, omg Lloyd. ♥ He's just SO sweet and adorable, but also amazingly kickass and freakin' wise for his age despite his general derpwhat and he's seriously the best source of moral inspiration I've ever seen. 8| <333 He absolutely REFUSES to sacrifice people--and not just in the cliche "I WON'T LEAVE YOOOOU D8" kind of way. If doing something one way costs a life? It kinda goes like this every time:

"We're not doing it."
"Yeah, well--it's really the only way, Lloy--"
"I don't care. We're not doing it."
"Then what DO you suggest? B|"
"I don't know yet, but I'll let you know when I do."

Whenever someone gets killed in a movie/game/storyline whatever because they were left behind and/or sacrificed themselves, either myself or one of my sisters ALWAYS delivers the line, "That wouldn't have happened if Lloyd were around." BECAUSE IT IS SO TRUE. I just. Love this little dork so, so much. Plus, come on, DUAL SWORDS? THAT IS SO AWESOME. 8DD <3333333

resident evil, meme, geekage, lol parents

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