Jan 14, 2013 01:47
so im sittin at work trying to get my influenster page going and people are just being so hateful tonight. i mean you may be having a bad day but i dont get where its ever ok to push that hate for your day off on the people you come in contact with. i do nothing but smile at these people and bare it and for what so they can continue to yell at me. i just dont get hateful people. they are a weird breed. even gave that grumpy man a free water which he should have paid like $2 for. youre welcome a hole.
but this influenster thing im pretty excited about it. its a pretty cool site im lookin forward to gettin further into it. but im having trouble gettin the hang of it for now. but im sure it wont be long before im sailing through.
sucky people,
hateful people,
hotel business