Oct 13, 2007 14:04

Name Reborn
Age: 1
Series: Katekyo Hitman Reborn
Canon: This canon will go along smoothly if you accept everything I tell you, whether or not it makes any sense.

For you see, Reborn is a one-year-old hitman. Though there are many mysteries surrounding how the hell that works, physically Reborn really is maybe a foot high, possesses copious amounts of weaponry, and wears diapers under his black three piece. At the request of the Ninth Boss of the Vongola mafia famiglia, Reborn left Italy for Japan to teach a lazy, useless, no good, dumb, slow and worthless Sawada Tsunayoshi how to become the Vongola’s Tenth Boss. He manages this by inserting himself into Tsuna’s life as a home tutor and causing comedic pain any time Tsuna attempts to argue the matter.

Personality-wise, Reborn always appears calm and content, and speaks in blunt statements that can easily be full of honesty or blatant horrible lies, but will be treated as fact either way. He is, however, usually very honest about being in the mafia. It doesn't bother him that people almost always assume he’s just a little kid having his fun, or treat him like an infant, as long as they do what he wants in the long run. And if you don’t, then he’s probably already lying to you or someone else to get what he wants anyway. And if that doesn't work there's always bullets and fire and pain. On the rare occasions Reborn isn't hurting Tsuna for his own good, he enjoys a relaxing float in the pool with a martini, scouting out people to convince/force/trick into joining the mafia, and taking naps. It should also be noted that despite causing pain and suffering under the guise of 'tutoring', Reborn really does care about the Vongola family, and somewhere deep, deep, deep inside likes his student as well.

Note: Through cosplay Reborn maintains multiple identities he uses throughout canon, such as Dr. Borin; the genius mathematician, Master Pao Pao; the boxing guru, and Reboyama-sensei; a middle school substitute teacher. His personality and mannerisms when in these disguises do not change in the slightest.

Sample App:

Ciaossu, campers.

My name is Reboyama, and from today on I will be your new substitute counselor. I wouldn’t normally take a job dealing with this many of you kids, but since my useless student has gotten trapped here, I guess it can’t be helped. It’s important for people your age to have a strong, commanding influence in your life so you don’t go astray. I will play that part until you die.

Good school supplies are hard to find here, so I’ve brought you everything you need. Smuggling these Education Care Packages into this country was expensive though, so when they’re delivered to you, pay the bill. It’s one thousand US dollars each. If you can’t afford it, you’ll have to be indebted to me. Your care packages have textbooks and other required materials for my class. Don’t waste the revolver bullet on zombies, that’s for a trust exercise we’ll be doing later.

Now, a lot of you have been away from school for a while. This endless vacation is rotting your brains, probably leaving you stupider than you were to begin with. My job is to prevent that, so as a substitute counselor I will be substituting traditional educational values for something that can better serve your family. Read your textbook’s first chapter, Silencing and Body Disposal in Five Easy Steps by Monday. You will be applying the cement shoes theory then. Anyone who skips class will be located and can serve as a practice dummy instead. If no one skips, Tsuna already has experience being the dummy.

Since this is a summer camp, you probably all want to have something fun to do too. So I’ve prepared a special game you can all participate in. It’s called Reboyama’s Secret Training Scavenger Hunt. Looking for random things out in the woods is boring, so for this game you’ll be scavenging items from your fellow campers without them finding out. Your points will be marked based on the most valuable item you scavenge. Bring everything you find to me.

None of you have ever played Reboyama’s Secret Training Scavenger Hunt before, so I'll warn you that there is an ancient curse on this game. Whoever loses will die and everyone they know will mysteriously disappear and never be seen again.

Try hard.

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