Feb 29, 2008 01:14
I couldn't have ever fixed you or saved you or changed you.
You can't blame me for your own problems.
You are the only person who can save you, I know you're capable of whatever you need to do.
I really tried to be your angel but you told me yourself that you already had one.
Another life, another time, another place...wouldn't change anything.
You absolutely had me, heart and soul, mind and body..but somewhere a while back, you lost your grip. Ever since then I've been slipping away and I'm really gone this time.
I really don't want to hurt you, I never wanted to hurt you.
I'm not going to play the blame game here, but we've BOTH said some pretty terrible things to each other and I want you to know that most everything on my end was out of anger or hurt feelings.I don't know how you feel but, I really think you're an amazing guy and an excellent boyfriend{aside from you hating my friends}. We had a great run. We definitely changed each others lives. I wont hold a grudge or have one regret...
I'm not sorry that we happened, I'm not sorry we're over.
I'm not sorry I'm seeing someone else, I'm not sorry that I want to be your friend one day.
I am, however, sad that you don't get to see Cookie as often as you both would like. I want to change this. I don't mean that I want us to hang out right now, but I do want you two to see each other.
On that note:
If life ever gets too hard and you feel too alone: Remember I always have an ear. Seriously, You said we were "boys" before we were ever you+me=us.
"Yes, we really did just have this conversation." You know, just so you don't have to call back and ask.
This is me really just letting go of us as a couple and making a peace offering as friends.