*Invisible to all muses, for obvious reasons*
Sarah dares not say it out loud, because she of all people knows the power of breathing life into words, even when there appears to be no ears around to listen. Once spoken, the words become real, as real as the waking dreams that built the Labyrinth.
So she keeps the words hidden, locked away in the secret box in the secret drawer at the far back of her heart mind, a place she visits only when her eyes are shut and the blanket is pulled up to her neck.
Right there, in the lingering fog of asleep and awake, Sarah lets herself dream. She is beautiful once again, and this time the hands that lead her to dance are warm and ungloved. There are no masks or mirrors in this place; in fact it not a place at all, just a moment in time so perfect that it cannot last any longer than a breath.
"The last time," she says (though her mouth never moves), "You got it all wrong. Because you didn't understand."
"No, I didn't," he replies (his mouth never moves either). "But you can teach me."
"Yes, I can."
And they dance until forever, for there is no clock to chime and no quest left to be fulfilled. Though of course, forever isn't long at all.
When Sarah wakes up, the dream is once again tucked away safely from prying mismatched eyes. There is no place for weakness in the girl who won and must every day keep on winning.