Mar 29, 2005 18:34
hey everyone.
thank you carly for redoing my lay-out for me. i love it. i was kindof getting bored of my old one, i did have it for like 4 or 5 months you know? anyways.. I LOVE YOU!
today was great. well... just for a little while lol. in first hour i saw mr.rubin "cocky S.O.B" bust his ass trying to jumprope backwards. omg it was great! i loved it. lmao. but that was the worst fcking assembly iive ever seen..EVER.
2nd hour- i got to watch the same stupid assembly again. once again, it sucked ass. only because mr.rubin didnt make a fool out of himself that time. =/
3rd 4th 5th and 6th were gay. as usual... !! we had a sub in foutchs class. it was fun i guess but boring. i had to go to the office though for the whole hour!!
- i got stung by a fucking horse fly. i was bleeding and was the total package. and now its all swollen. i dont know if im allergic though. because in like 1st grade i got stung on my face and my whole face swelled up. my face looked like it weighed 300 lbs. yea nicole..only if you didnt splash that bee with water asshole!! lol j/ i was was rlly bothering me in 3rd hr so i decided to walk my happy ass down to the office to call my mom- she didnt come to get me. in a matter of fact, it sounded like she didnt even give a fuck lol. she told me to call her if it got any worse...
so now my calf is swollen because of the bite and the arch of my foot hurts. i think im allergic.. THANKS MOM! lol.
brandon and arrianne are going out. yea. at first i was so pissed but then i was like w/e i cant control who he likes and i had my chance but i blew it. =( which it sucks. so eventually..eventually..keyword eventually..ill get over it. but w/e i think ive got my eye on someone else. im just a little confused. my heart is all over the place.. yea that was gay.
da'necia is back!! i missed her so much, you have NO clue. i was so pissed this morning because of jennifer and i walk up to the 8th grade courtyard or w/e and i wasnt really talking to anybody. it was me nicole and kiara i think and we were talking about jennifer and da'necia pops up out of nowhere!! i was soo excited!! i love that girl lol. we "chilled" before it was time to go to 1st. but she stayed in my 1st hour because of that jump-rope for heart bullshit assembly. and then in 2nd hour i had to go again and she was there and we hung out and talked. she finally got to see her girlfriend and she was talking to me about what she did over springbreak. it sounded like she had fun. im happy for her.
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lmao...courtney wants to cut kiaras hair off! how funny is that? you dont cut peoples hair, you whoop their ass lol. courtneys funny though. shes pretty cool. but i love kiara to death.
chelseas hair looks soo cute...
the bus was absolutely amazing. whos the one out of place now, beotch?! lmao. wow emilio courtney nicole myself...i never thought that this day would come!! we officially did it. keep it up. whoop whoop!!
..this week is going by soo fast. tomorrow is already wednesday! score! i have 2 subs!!
in general things have gotten better i guess. i get along with my sister pretty well now. i love her. sisters are supposed to fight and say that they hate each other. but were pretty close i guess. =)
i get my braces off soon!!! i cant wait. its about time...! they said i was only supposed to have them on for 18 months..a year and 6 months..but ive been stuck with them for 3! im so excited...
i guess thats about it.