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Jun 27, 2007 20:42

Trip Entry #2 - Day 2 - Washington DC

OK...day two was Washington DC. I don't remember many details...all I remember is that we were lost 80% of the time and I was in a really bad mood lol. For the two hours we weren't lost, when we got to see things, it was pretty cool :) Again, since pictures were taken on like 3 different cameras, these aren't in any type of order, and it appears that I have the evening pictures first (and i promise that I do take pictures other than the freakin sun lol...I dont know why I seem to be obsessed with that.)  and most of these were taken from a moving vehicle so sorry they arent' that great.  Anyhow...I'll write any stories that come to me somewhere between the pictures. the sun! surprise! haha 

this makes me feel like we were in africa. I'm not really sure why. :)

A memorial. (I'm not going to be able to tell you what everything is because frankly I saw *so* much on this trip, that I can't remember a darn thing lol. Sad...but true. :)

Washington Monument...you will see a few pictures of this in this post...I won't lable the rest, cuz I think it's pretty obvious :)

the sun...:/

oh look! the sun!

A bridge. :)

this was a navy memorial i think

a fountain picture that i think my sis took cuz i dont remember it

the white house! :) There is a secret here that I will never tell! lol ;)

I took this for Loni because it was a segway tour and I thought she'd enjoy it. Now after reading Jessica's blog - this is for her too! haha. Someday I'll have to try those things!

An artist making a tee-pee

LoL. My dad asking a question of an innocent bystander. this picture only makes sense to my sister. Again...secrets never to be told. ;)

give a kid an icecream and they are happy haha

Oh my goodness, there was a *huge* protest going on when we got to DC. it was *soooo* annoying. They had a bunch of streets blocked off, so it was so hard to drive anywhere, adn they were so obnoxious and I just wanted to kick them. My dad videod them. Anyhow..there were soo many cops...I have a few pictures of it.

the capitol.....lol.

Kayla learned how to blow bubbles & whistle on this trip! yay kayla! :)

We ate at this little underground chinese food place. I wouldn't really recommend it :)

umm some weird thing :)

yay capitol

some more police protecting us from riots lol

my cute relatives ;)

gotta love icecream that makes your teeth blue!

and more cops

and more protesters

can you see all the people on the lawn in front of the building?

i apparantly liked taking pictuures of this

some things you just don't get in Phoenix lol

I apparantly really liked the capitol building

wow, why is this so big

not quite sure why these last couple got uploaded very large  - but this is the white house again

So yah...that was Washington DC. We really didn't get to see much...i really wanted to see the Lincoln Memorial...but we just didn't have time. We were gonna stop again on the way back from Maine, but we didn't have time. Had we known we were going to get bumped from another plane.....*oy*

yay DC :) It's a place I'd definitely want to visit again, when I had more than a couple of hours to look around.

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