Tra la laaa bored as sin!

Jan 05, 2009 02:07

So for my first entry of 2009 (!!!) is a survey that has been all over my friends list.

A) People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blog and replace any question that they dislike with a new, original question.
B) Tag eight people. Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag who tagged you.

Sorry no cut, my computer is being a giant douche bag, I don't want to risk losing it all :(

What are your nicknames?
Besides the derogatory (slut, whore, ect) I would say Jazz, Jazzy, Pinky, JB. One of the kids at work calls me Hope or Hasmine.

How do you style your hair?
Ohh that's a loaded question. So if I'm dealing with my own hair I would say I relax it and then wear it straight for as long as it allows, then putting it up into a ponytail when it has stopped cooperating. When I have my uber ethnic weave in I wear it whichever way it permits.

What's the last book you read?
The last book I read for class was Where The Girls Are which was stellar I recommendit to all. The last book I finished for my own pleasure was My Sisters Keeper which is fantastic. I'm currently reading Keeping Faith and next on the list is The Panic Years

What colour shirt are you wearing now?
I'm wearing a sweaterdress that is aubergine aka really dark purple

Are you an introvert or extrovert?
I used to be fairly introverted and at times I feel I still am, but now I'm quite extroverted especially when drunk

Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer?
I used to be a firm IE believer but now I've seen the light Firefox has to offer!

Do you nap a lot?
Yes. More that any human should probably. But I loves my naps

Who was the last person you hugged?
Amanda Dansereau. I hugged undergraduate Amanda for the last time, for the next time I see her we will both packing heat...aka B.A.'s

What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
Umm...Jodi Picoult novels? Planning my post-graduation move to North Carolina? Watching all the TV I haven't had a chance to until now?

What was the last thing you ate today?
Leftover parm chicken from The Standard Restaurant and Lounge

How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
Okay so if I have to go to class I can be ready in 15-30 mins. If I'm going out to the bars it can take anywhere from 45mins to a hour and a half depending on the tone of the evening and if I have to shave. If it's a super special event, lord knows I usually start 2 1/2 hours beforehand. I tend to fuck around when I'm getting dressed.

What websites do you visit daily?
LJ, Facebook, AOL news feed, Google. E-mail via my phone.

What's the last movie you watched?
My mom was just watching Wanted but I wasn't really watching. The last movie I actually watched was Sex and the City, I'm totally getting ready to watch Susan Slade though. Wicked excited? Hell yes!

Do you like to clean?
Okay, see I like cleaning on my own terms. I don't like being forced into cleaning or cleaning when I'm not ready to. When I get into a cleaning mood I like to purge out everything and then go through reorganize. It's a bitch but I like doing it, makes me feel accomplished.

What time is your usual bedtime?
Well it's 2:41am and I'm still up. So during breaks I'd say around 5am. At school anywhere between 11:00pm-2:00am.

What cell phone model do you own?
Blackberry pearl. Hopefully not for much longer though, I hope to upgrade to either the curve or the bold within the next few weeks **crosses fingers**

What is your favourite weather?
Warm, but not hot. Comfortable in a tank or t-shirt but not balls ass hot. A warm breeze is preferable.

How are you?
Better than I was when I woke up this morning. My bad mood has all but lifted because I managed to pinpoint why I was in said mood to begin with (self-inflicted...long story). A little stressed about telling my mom that I'm not going to grad school, especially when she keeps bringing up grad school applications and the FAFSA (if you have grad school/ and other college ambitions you should do the FAFSA now!)

Where would you see yourself in ten years?
In ten years. 31, Jesus. In ten years ideally I will be married with a child(ren) (how provincial of me, I know). I will have at least one Masters probably in Occupational Therapy. I may have another in Early Childhood Special Education by then. I don't know where I'll be living then, perhaps back in my hometown, perhaps still in NC. One year from now I will be somewhere in North Carolina, well on my way to establishing residency and applying to grad schools. I don't know what the next 10 years has in store, but the next 12 months are going to be very interesting to say the least.

Since I didn't cut I won't clog your Flist anymore!
PS, I tag soulbare and burning_wreck because...well because I love ya'll! You don't actually have to do it if you don't want to but the challenge is there :)

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