Nov 27, 2004 18:55
yo so far this break has been awesome...wednesday after school me and natalie chilled for a bit. we went to yuno bagel and then hung with charles lol thursday was turkey day...i had an awesome dinner. i helped my mom cook..and monica came over and ate with us...we watched a bunch of movies and ate mad junk food. it was great lol friday i went to the tree lighting with natalie and ellie and their family. it was fun..i havent been there in like 2 years so it was nice to see it again..saw a bunch of people there. then i came home and got my stuff and went back there to sleepover. me and natalie stayed up till 4:30 in the morning. it was sooo much fun. even though there were lots of rough times we still had fun talking and half watching movies. nat was all over me <3 i love you MUCH!! BFF&E&E lol we only slept till like 9 though because jermaine called me this morning and woke me up. he didnt know me and natalie stayed up so late though so its ok we forgave him. then me and natalie just chilled all day. we were so lazy we didnt get out of bed until like 12:30 then we made french toast!! yummy!! i havent had that in sooo long. then we went back up to her room and put in garfield. what we saw of it was pretty good...we watched the beginning..then fell asleep and then the phone woke us up at the we had a nice hour nap. we watched the end and then ellie came home and we made grilled cheeses and cookies. yummy!!! hehe so yeah i just got home a little bit ago. nat went to work on her project and me and ellie are probably going to the movies tonight. probably gonna go see the grudge...if my mom ever stops being lazy to take us..
to nat and ellie: thank you guys so much for last night. i really had a blast and im so glad we got closer. thank you guys for being there for really ment a lot to me i love you both so much and i will definitly remember last night forever <3