Paging Dr. Knowles

Oct 10, 2008 12:27

Dear Kelly,

This is my first gentle. I'm one of those guys that thinks he knows a lot of stuff. In fact I've spent most of my life lying about the fact that I know things rather than actually learning about the things I pretend I know about. This hasn't really been a problem ever, but I'm starting to feel a sense of guilt. The kind of guilt that keeps you up at night, cause you know deep down inside that your just a closet dumb ass. Should's hard to say, but should I just admit defeat and come out of this closet, this shell of faux knowledge that I constantly hide in? Or is it possible (maybe this is my denial kicking in) but is it possible that everyone else around me acts this way as well? I mean, my teachers say all this stuff, and I nod my head and say, 'Yeah I know what you're talkin about," or "hmmm...yes...I remember reading something about that when I last studied in London with Dr. Stephen Knowles." But is it possible that what they say is just as much b.s. as what comes out of my mouth? I don't know who I should trust when every seems to be in academic competition with one another and all I want to do shoot a couple of jays with by bros, or run some gank smack up on a couple of ally noobs. Why should I pretend like I know knowing stuff even worth it?

Your thoughts.

Lost in a Cow Patty of Knowledge

Aren't we all?

I can promise you one thing, everyone in the world is completely full of shit. You, me, your neighbors, teachers and friends. We all operate on this idiodic rule that we have to agree with things in conversation rather than admit we have no idea what's going on. Like it's a showing of weakness or something, and it's ridiculous.

It took me many many years to figure it out, and I still have issues with it now, but you cannot please everyone. Ever. It's an impossiblitity. There are going to be people in your life who will think you're an obnoxious retard no matter what you say or do, so you may as well say and do exactly what you want without regard to their feelings.

Go hang with your bros. Have a jay or three. Destroy some alliance noobs (I know exactly how you feel on that one) and try to be happy with who and what you are. Once you like yourself everyone else can take a back seat.

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