Title: Learning
hales731Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist
Pairing: Elricest~! ♥
Rating: Meh, G
Theme for
24hour_themes: 2100 -- Comprehension of universal truth.
They think he knows the Truth. They think that just with a clap of his hands, he could save the world (or destroy it). And even though they know he cannot remember, they think he understands.
What they don’t know is that the Truth is a lie. He has not gained enough for what he has lost. A body, a knowledge, and a power will never be enough for the brother that was taken away.
They don’t know what he really knows. They don’t know that he can’t save (or destroy) the world without him. They don’t realize he can remember, even if only in his fractured dreams. They don’t understand that he will never understand why.
Not without his brother. Never without his brother.
But, he will find him. He doesn’t know when; he will be ready, whether it will be nine o’clock in the morning or nine o’clock at night. He doesn’t know how; he’ll learn a way, even if he has to read every book written. He doesn’t know where; he will get there, using any means possible.
Then, he will know what it’s like to be whole. He’ll find him, and then they will know the Truth.
Comments, plz?