new song lyrics

Feb 28, 2007 13:07

So I spent several hours fucking around with ideas. Sometimes when I'm writing lyrics its like I can't think at all. Its like everything I think of just seems to sound cliche in some sort of way or it lacks a real honest point, so I decided to start writing stories instead of things that actually happened to me. Its kind of interesting and a bit relieving when you get into the flow of it all. Check out these lyrics and let me know if you like them or any other helpful feedback.

he dreamt as if his life somehow
was suffocating
thats when he wakes up.
is there no relief from what
surely awaits us?
his hands could feel
the fire at nerve endings
they will burn beyond the darkness that keeps calling out.

don't plug your ears
stop fighting what you think
don't cover your eyes
you just might never see
and all too soon you'll find out
that everything will fail
this bickering means nothing
unless it echo's, eternal
alas you'll find your mere
existence to be without cause
all these clocks hands keep moving
this ticking
time bomb

we've come too far
to just let go

racing thoughts keep moving
don't want to let the comfort of being alive expire
would you choke this bastard, god or man,
to exceed your life span?
well, my modern medicine says...
it say "I'll never fucking die"
,you hear me God!?

we keep these machines in motion
the slave to man
this mans infatuation
has made him a slave to his plan

we've come too far
to just let go

it never ends
there is no peace
but it comes in time
and he cannot win

p.s. how do you do a fucking livejournal cut? I totally forgot and they don't have that sweet little button to push anymore.... :(
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