Sep 10, 2006 23:36
I believe in empathy to an extent, up until the point that it becomes absolute clairvoyance. I believe all actions and emotions have a reverberation that can be felt over so much as a physical expanse. When it comes to the point where explicit details are presented/expressed/discovered, this to me is no longer empathy and becomes clairvoyance; in my spiritual view, clairvoyance is unnatural and not intended for mankind. Something else is at work here and in my view this can be a negative. Both empathy and clairvoyance can be frightening experiences in my point of view, but one can have a positive outcome and the other in my opinion will eventually have its repercussions.
I definitely do believe there is a correlation between people who are artistically inclined and the quality of empathy. A person consumed with so much energy that they've absorbed on possibly a daily basis, and that isnt necessarily their own, has to expel and express this intake for a release. Some artists I believe even recognize this quality along with the physical necessities. However, I do not believe that all artists are empaths. I think some artists are simply creating as a reaction instead of simply expelling the energy theyve absorbed. Im not sure that Im explaining myself very well, but I do believe there is a difference.
I'd venture to say people like Virginia Wolf and possibly Maynard James Keenan were/are empaths; whereas other artists like Anne Rice, Trent Reznor and Madonna Ciccone are simply just reacting to an experience (or series of) that compels them to express themselves in a creative manner. That's not to belittle what they do; they are just part of a different equation and reasoning in regards to art. Neither is more important than the other.