Few days' drive turned up a few interesting things, aside from supplies. For one thing, the quarantine's gone; I can only suppose that's because there weren't enough people still alive to maintain it. For another, so's Purgatory, the entire town reduced to nothing but a giant scorched crater. I'd think it was maybe some kind of nuke, except it would've had to be improbably small and clean to have done that without any obvious signs of fallout on the area beyond. On the other hand, I already know two people with power over fire. Who'd have ever thought that could seem to be a more likely possibility? In any case, I guess I have some asking-about to do.
Meanwhile... shit. I hate that I have to use the word "vampire" in seriousness, but those kids who attacked me and baseball bat girlChancey... they fought to draw blood from us to drink, kept moving after wounds that would've killed a normal man twice over, but then burst into flame and burned to ash when dawn came and the Sun's rays hit them. That goes a bit further than even Pennsylvania cannibals. Guess the old stories about 'Salem's Lot have more to them than most of us thought. At least the bite I got doesn't seem to have done anything worse than a bite normally would; made sure to drag myself outside during the day to make sure. If one of our local fire people can do something as big as Purgatory, I might just have a job for them. Shit in this town is trouble enough, without vampires too.