Feb 22, 2009 23:35
New layout because the white/paleness of the other one was really starting to bug me. I like this one much better.
I slept in till noon today. Which was really nice. :] And when I got up my parents decided we should 'go for a drive' [which basically means going out for a while, in a random direction, going no where in particular and getting lost]. When I was younger and still lived in Wyoming we always used to go on drives [of course, we lived out in the middle of NO where there, and it was two hours to anywhere to begin with] but we haven't really done it since then. It was fun though, except we took the car instead of the truck and every time we went over a bump I hit my head on the freaking roof. But we went out for dinner, and ice cream, and we showed my Dad the arena where I barrel race in the summer and some stuff like that. We were gone for like five hours, but it was better than sitting at home doing nothing for five hours, like I usually do on Sunday.
I didn't watch the Oscars...since my Dad was watching tv, and I couldn't get any Internet feeds or anything to work, since my Internet has been having major issues lately. But I watched Robert Pattinson's part later on, along with the romance montage. I loved "I had to become a vampire to find the right girl."
Tomorrow night I've got our 4H teen leader meeting thing. We are having a speaker, I guess, and I get to introduce them. I love how when no one volunteers for stuff, I end up getting to do it. Just the fun of being the oldest one there. :/
robert pattinson,