Title: Undeniable Sin Pairing: Yoochun/Changmin Genre: Angst, Drama Rating: R Warnings: Blood relative incest Summery: Yoochun is unable to deny Changmin
you made me cry again lol, it's been a while, I blame pms. I think the last sentence did it, you always kill me with those short, blunt sentences, I love them ♥
short comment because I'm dead tired and you wouldn't believe me even if I tried to sound excited (but I totally am!) erm, I'm not sure if my point is clear here. I mean, that I better cut the fail, that would be surely to come due to my lack of sleep, and this fic deserves much better. I think I'll shut up now. yes.
spot for me =.=/
short comment because I'm dead tired and you wouldn't believe me even if I tried to sound excited (but I totally am!) erm, I'm not sure if my point is clear here. I mean, that I better cut the fail, that would be surely to come due to my lack of sleep, and this fic deserves much better. I think I'll shut up now. yes.
No worries, I love anything you write for me. I hope you were able to get some rest ♥
but I'll tale the hug, thank you *hugs back*
are you busy or sth? seems like you haven't been too much around~
Something happened with my family so right now I have been a little too busy but now that things are calming down I'm getting back to normal :D
it's been lonely without ya bb ♥
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