Mar 26, 2022 11:42
I am your love’s villain,
The little piece of war,
To mark a memory and a nightmare.
(Make sure you sound tough, like it didn’t hurt that bad)
You tore our chapter from your book And it reads like it was never there You reunited with her
And you now have a daughter
And if you ever treat her like you did me…
(Collect yourself, no one likes an angry woman, gross)
I am unable to remove that chapter
Because it was different for me
It made me outside-bold
But inside-
(Nope, nope, nope, don’t tell them what’s inside)
I will always see my family
And my friends
I will wear whatever I want to wear
All the makeup I want
And I will draw attention to myself. Flaunt my gorgeous plumage
(Ok, tone it down, Jesus Christ)
My first love was a wicked love
And jade is a pretty shade of green
So I will wear it
Because I will never get to hear
you say sorry.
That will have to suffice
Though peacock blue is better
(I know he had his own trauma, but it would mean so much to know I wasn’t just a garbage dump for his pain)
I know what was deserved
And will survive
And find a way to let my anger breathe
(Yes, sounds good, and scary)
The guides have warned
To proceed slowly
With the gentleness
that was not afforded before now
(The guide is your therapist, don't be weird)
Go to war,
Dressed in jade and peacock blue
And fight for only one...
I, me, you
(Lol. Love you)