Yesterday I've just watched PV of Kubota Toshinobu feat. EXILE’s ATSUSHI for "Golden Smile".
Well..actually, it's an old issue.. (about on the middle of last year,if I'm not mistaken) I happen to just knew it by now,hehe. ;p
The two have were said to have continuously discussed its lyrics, melody,
and arrange until they were satisfied.
It's Kubota Toshinobu feat. EXILE’s ATSUSHI "Golden Smile" PV uploaded by dear-hiro@Dailymotion..
..n this is the screencaps.
It's such a NICE song!
I think..
ATSUSHI without sunglasses is SOOOOOOO KAWAII, isn't he?!!
Hehe. ^^
Then, I was searching for the song. n I've found it! Not too difficult..
It's the download link for
the MP3 format (4,75MB).
For more info about this collaboration, simply just check it
here and
here (Tokyo Hive).