revelation song

Jun 04, 2009 09:04

Marg told me she had been listening to this song on YouTube a lot lately, so I checked out the video in English.  When it ended related videos appeared on the right side of the screen.  I noticed the title "Revelation Song in Spanish," and I was intrigued so I clicked on the link.  Watching the video brought tears to my eyes and took me back to France 3 years ago -  sitting in a church surrounded by people who didn't even speak my language.  We were singing a song I had sung in church at home - same song, different language, same body of believers.  I looked around the little church that had less people than my sunday school class, and every single person seemed to be earnestly worshiping the same God we worship in America.  They had broken away from the traditional Catholicism spread allover Europe to pursue a meaningful relationship with our Savior.  Are you not a little teary-eyed?  God is the same all-over the world.  He never changes.

*NOTE: Please do not think I am condemning all Catholics.  A very good friend of mine is Catholic.  My comment refers to the common thought among Europeans that they are Catholic by birth even though they don't actively pursue a relationship with God.
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