May 06, 2004 13:19
We all used to write about how it feels. I used to tell you all about this town and the people and how they make me feel like i'm choking to death but that only seemed to cause people to tell me "it's not that bad". Maybe it's not, and maybe you're all happy and droning and dying inside but I refuse. So here's a bit of truth to go with the elation that you're feeling and I know you all are.
This girl, she's just pulled up to the steps of her new worn apartment.. with hardwood floors and a shower/bath. With a skylight and rust on the stovetop. Somewhere south of here she's rolling out carpet and filling up drawers and breathing in deep because things are new and progressing and she doesn't know what will happen tomorrow but that's entirely up to her. And there's this boy with her, completely reluctant.. but happy she has what she wants and they sit on the floor and eat rice out of cardboard and they're together. And they wake up wanting to be where they are.
But right now she sits up northeast awake all of the time wishing for communication and he lives his life and she's not angry just sad and tired and freezing. She wishes it was up to her. She wishes she could make something. Make anything. worth it.