This xkcd pretty much sums up my personal life for the past semester. Except that I need to use more graphs.
Well, D is off to Rio for the summer. We'll see what happens when he gets back. Hopefully, his return will be relatively angst-free.
In other news, I found a tiny baby praying mantis in my house, and I'm going to keep it as a pet. My friend Cynthia says there's a cart for used fruit flies where she gets her feeder insects for her spiders. (Yes, my department has a used fly cart.) My parents adopted a cat today; I adopted the itsy bitsy monster.
Been spending too much time working on fiction projects when I should be finishing lab work. Regarding Protag in Work In Progress: facepalm! How could I get it wrong for so long without realizing it? I feel like I've been beating my head against a refrigerator and then wondering why I have a headache. DUH.