Mar 31, 2009 16:08
I haven't really posted anything about what's going on in my life recently, so instead of reading these annoying papers on genetic canalization, I'm going to post! I've got a backlog of book reviews and whatnot, too, but that'll have to wait. Here's the CliffsNotes version of my semester so far:
- Acquired second cat as a playmate for Anansi. Rowan's very sweet and playful and scared of humans, and if he doesn't stop pouncing on my toes in the middle of the night, I swear I'm going to rename him Loki.
- Broke up with D, got back together with D, currently floating in the nebulous purgatory of being involved but not officially dating. Does this story sound familiar to anyone? I'm such a broken record when it comes to relationships.
- Still working on various writing projects, though nothing particularly exciting to report. I did get a personalized rejection from a Major Editor asking me to keep sending stuff their way, which means that I got out of the slushpile at Major Magazine and onto Major Editor's desk.
- Messed up my shoulder a month ago, had to pass on an I Liq Chuan weekend workshop because of it, and I'm still pretty much out of commission. It makes labwork hard, too. Stupid shoulders.
- Still plugging away at my Mexico data, and I need to rework my systematics project so I can present it in a few weeks at a mycology conference in Maryland. Progress is slow, and I doubt I'm going to be ready to take my prelims in the fall.