Yes, I know, it's been a while. My apologies. *hangs head*
So, how's about a submission post, people? Yes, I'm ready to write up another Pairing List That Ate Fandom. God help us all.
1. You may submit TEN characters (and ONLY ten) for this round of the Pairing List.
2. The list may include anyone. Rodney McKay, Cthulhu, Michael Phelps, Hello Kitty ... no one is sacred. (No, not even Jesus. He can come too. Uh, pun not intended.)
3. However, your list of ten must include five men and five women. No more, no less. Anyone of questionable or lacking gender may be counted as a wild card.
4. NO OBJECTS. Aren't we already causing enough mental damage without Jack Sparrow falling in love with a volleyball?
5. Each of your submitted characters must be from different fandoms. For example, no submitting the entire cast of characters from Stargate Atlantis.
6. Please, for the love of all that is holy, try to avoid the more popular characters. It's very nice that Jack Harkness can be slashed with anybody. But doesn't he get enough play? In fact, the more obscure, the more fun it is.
7. As always, you do NOT need to be planning to write to submit characters for the Pairing List. Half of the fun, as we all know, is the list itself. :)
1. Zach (Shelter)
2. Chuck Bass (Gossip Girl)
3. Christian Mann (Verbotene Liebe)
4. Captain Awesome (Chuck)
5. Jeff Blue (Undercover Blues)
6. Olive Snook (Pushing Daisies)
7. Nicole Wallace (Law and Order: Criminal Intent)
8. Monica (Heroes)
9. Bella Swan (Twilight)
10. Lydia Bennet (Pride and Prejudice)
This post will be open for submissions until Saturday, August 30th.
EDIT: Okay, that's it! I'm going to close off the post now, since I have to work tonight and since we've certainly gotten enough entries. Thanks, you guys! The list should be up in a few days. :)