251. Setzer Gabbiani (Final Fantasy 6)/Edna Mode (The Incredibles)

Jul 16, 2006 06:13

Title: The Gambler's New Coat
Pairing: #251-- Setzer Gabbiani (Final Fantasy 6)/Edna Mode (The Incredibles)
Rating: PG for mild innuendo
Disclaimer: Final Fantasy is owned by Square; The Incredibles is owned by Pixar/Disney; neither used with permission
Summary: Setzer finds a new clothing designer, and Edna makes some new AU business

Setzer loved playing with fashion. The advantage to being rich, he found, is he could buy from some of the best designers in the world. Some would find his sense of style a bit outrageous, as Sabin not-so-delicately told him while clothes shopping for Gau. Setzer didn’t care-he was a rebel, not a mindless slave to whatever the fashionistas dictated at the moment. He wore what he liked, as long as it was in good taste, of course.One day, Setzer was saddened to learn that his favorite tailor in Jidoor-the man who made his coat-had passed away. Shockingly, a new designer had taken up the newly-vacant store only a few days later. Setzer looked at his coat-it was getting frayed at the edges in some parts. He could afford another easily, but this coat was his favorite. Would this new person be able to repair it?
"No, no, this will never do, dahling," the new shop’s owner examined the coat disdainfully, as she stood on the countertop. She was the shortest woman Setzer had ever seen. She had jet black hair and thick, black glasses.
"Whatever you charge for repairs, I can pay..." Setzer tried to bargain with her.

"No, no, dahling," Edna waved her hand, "I never look back at the old. I am about the here and now and next! No, you should have something new..." Her eyes lit up behind her ridiculously large frames, "something bold!"

"You want to make me a new coat?" Setzer asked.
"Oh no, dahling, I can’t, I can’t," Edna threw up her hands, "I’m much too busy, so ask me now, before I change my mind." Her eyes twinkled.
This woman confounded the gambler, "Will you...make me a new coat?"
"Dahling, you twist my arm!" Edna sighed in mock-protest, "But how can I resist?"
Setzer glared at her, "You’re an ace short of a full deck, you know that, right?"
"All artists are a little mad, dahling," Edna hopped onto a rolling step-ladder from the counter, and pulled out measuring tape, "But it is a mad world we live in. Don’t you agree, dahling?" Edna pulled Setzer’s arm out to his side. "Such elegant bone structure, dahling! Have you ever modeled?" She measured across his narrow shoulders, "I have an invitation from some desert king to do a show-a new line of uniforms. Yes, I see khaki and cotton. Sturdy, elegant but simple, dahling, that’s very important. Hold this to you neck, please," Edna descended the steps to the floor and held the end of the tape to his ankles.
"Now for you, dahling, I see leather-dragon-skin. Sturdy, weather-resistant, especially in high winds and colder temperatures in higher altitudes. Yet soft as butter when weathered just right. Lining will be black-chocobo down--very rare, but warm and breathable."
It all sounded good to Setzer. Suddenly, he found Edna’s hand poking against his inseam. He jumped.
"You know, dahling," Edna grinned mischievously, "I can also make you a new pair of trousers to match. It would be..my pleasure."
Setzer blushed, "What have I walked into?"

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