Title: Unarmed
patientalienPairing: The Bride (Kill Bill)/Owen Lars (Star Wars)
Summary: It's just a job...
You knew I was there to kill you before I even drew my sword. It is because of that I didn’t strike you down immediately - your acceptance intrigued me. And your knowledge of who sent me made me… pause.
“Skywalker can’t even do his own dirty work,” you spat, and turned away from me, towards the setting suns. Your shoulders, broad and muscled from the hard life on this planet, slumped. “Just please, spare the boy. Spare my wife.”
A child. A wife. My employer had not mentioned either. I think if he had known, he would have given specific instructions on how to deal with them. But even I have my limits, and I won’t kill a child. My experience with Bill had taught me what I needed to know about sparing the lives of the innocent.
Well, the innocent, at least, that I was not being actively paid to kill. I didn’t know you. I didn’t know your wife, or child. All I knew was what my employer had told me. Which was that you were a threat to the Empire, that you were a threat to him. Far be it for me to ask what kind a threat a moisture farmer could pose. But he always has his reasons, and I do not question him.
I do not want to be on his bad side, just as you did not want to be on mine.
It is a wise move, all things considering.
I strode up to stand beside you, my gaze turned towards those parching suns. “I will not kill your child,” I told you, “or your wife. My orders are for you and you alone.”
It occurred to me that you were unarmed. So rarely are my victims unarmed, so rarely do they not try to defend themselves. You were one of those few, and your courage staggered me.
I wanted to touch you before I slid my sword into your gut. I wanted to know what real courage felt like to touch. I reached out my hand, and laid it on your shoulder. You were strong, and simply turned your head away from me. “He never should have left,” you told me.
“No,” I agree, and with a sharp thrust, it is over.
I rarely feel regret, but as you tumbled to the scorching sand, I couldn't help feeling sorry for your wife and child, because I knew that soon enough I would be dispatched for them as well.
Darth Vader is nothing if not thorough.