Jul 28, 2005 02:37
haven't updated in awhile. haven't been angry in awhile. Anyway, yeah, extremist muslims are the new nazi. And just like 1930's germany, the other muslims don't give a shit enough to speak out. It's all there people. the intolerance, the "master" race(religion), the mass killing of "undesireables." And yet you want to appease. You say we deserve it. Well fuck you. They've been doing this to everyone near them for as long as they've been around. Even when we're helping Muslims, they're bombing us (see USS COLE). Pretty soon people are going ot be calling for internment camps. we don't want that. That is NOT a road we want to go down. but until the moderate Muslim's start to speak out, start to turn in these people, they're all going to be seen as the enemy. Iraqis and Afghanis are actively fighting terrorists in their own countries, and dying to them. Why don't the rest of you stand up? Instead we have bastards like the cleric in Britain, living on british welfare, who's been advocating the bombings for over a decade, applauds them, tells them they're going to do it again, and there's nothign they can do about it. There is. but they won't. Why do you think they insisted on no longer calling them "terror attacks." Now, they're "bombings" done by "criminals." What's so wrong with the word terrorist, oh nice and tolerant Brits? evokes "the wrong images" does it? Images of muslims suicidebombing to spread fear and chaos? Wait....that's what they did...so, it in fact evokes images of the truth, and you won't acknowledge it. Don't think I'm just picking on you. The american politicians have done a pretty shit job of keeping people out too. Fucking traitors. And these people bitching about the Minutemen? groups like "Nations without Borders?" FUCK YOU TOO. I like my borders. There's a goddamn reason we ask for citizenship. There is a process to get in and live here. But because it involves learning english and paying taxes, you don't want to do it. Go to hell.