Right now our government is burning the midnight oil to push back the forced switchover to over the air DTV (Digital Television) broadcasts next month. This is the perfect example of stupid people coming together to make themselves look just outright retarded
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However, the dang countdown commercials are driving me nuts. I can see why ABC in NYC is doing it because there is supposedly still a concentration of antenna users from whatever proof they claim to have, though I honestly don't know anyone in the city who doesn't have cable. Though I heard some crazy thing that the small population of residents that don't have cable isn't even near being covered yet based on some other statistic. Well, gee, are you sure those people even bother with TV, there are people out there who could care less about it. I think it is 2.5% of NYC population that falls into the may not have digital TV group. Don't quote me on that, but I sure know it isn't a very big number. So we are spending all this money for all these ads on a NYC station for a small portion of the population. Hmmmmmm.
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