Jul 05, 2006 13:58
So July 4th was fun, had a BBQ spent lots of time serving people food in the hot weather. it's fun to be the host, although the cleanup afterward is never fun. Unfortunately once again my girlfriend was working. Although she's free for her family's bbq this weekend so i get to meet all the non immediate same household family members. Some of which still only speak polish despite having lived here for 40+ years. I guess when you never leave your place in greenpoint brooklyn where everyone else is polish you dont have to.
The lione event was fun and wet. I had a blast the entire time and managed only one incident where i was in as the wrong character, marcy tried to hang around, but as someone put it... Sark is just too damn usefull. Oh well! I blew through tons of personal resources in pursuit of my icon and my Faith in general. It'll take a bit of time before i'll have my potions and scrolls restored to the point that i would like them. But incredibly enough for each korba i spent one replaced it or it got handed back to me with extra... pretty amazing. It just amazes to me the personal weath i can have built in game from just adventuring.
The one thing that perturbed me at the event (and something i've seen of recent) is the random stuff popping up outside of the standard rules.
Banners... things meant exclusively to keep scripts from getting crowded and letting players know how many of them there are charging the players. And just the banner mind you no scripts to accompany it to atack and drive back. It's compounded with the fact that at that instant you also switch the banner's effect to Deathing people... wtf is that?
On the fly changes... If a monster/person has x abilities available to them... dont just give them new ones to overcome a situation... I'm fighting some stuff last event and i'm jacked through the roof with potions, protectives, god powers etc all going and making me immune to stuff. When i pay me dues and burn uber resources to be jacked up dont start trying to change crap to effect me. How about you let someone's resources actually pay off. Random skeletons gaining the power to toss disrupt magics is not cool.
The unmakers random new cool powers.... So i understand the unmaker is cool and all, but inventing new powers for shits and giggles isn't cool. "by the unmaker i rend your initiate power" (through a wall no need for packet). "by the unmaker i sunder the doors of the temple of unity" (hunh?) So when do the players get to do random shit by their god on the fly?
But then again i'm overly opionated, and perhaps I hate to see something I love floundering as it tries to work it's way out of tough times. I want to see lione succeed, as does the rest of my friends from long island who encompass the majority of people that show up on a regular basis that aren't staff. I see people getting pissy that they think director x is picking on them, or that director y hates all of us long island people... I try best to defend the game and the people that run it. Because honestly i enjoy myself constantly there and i couldnt give 2 shits about how people feel about me outside of my girlfriend and my close friends. I could see myself directing and writing stuff for a larp, but i doubt anyone would ever ask me.
On another beautiful weekend note, I visited Aimee's place in long beach this time for a nice beach trip! And i actually managed to drag chrissy into the ocean with me. There's just that peaceful fun jumping into waves thing that brings back those memories of being a kid and just being silly, with no need to worry about responsability or affording life in general.