Aug 12, 2004 09:48
Life's been pretty much back to the status quo. As i get ready for my first fulltime semester in a few years. Should be fun.
Anyhow, work is work. How much of a variation can there be in unloading boxes from tractor trailers. I worked the last few days with strep, since i can't afford to call out sick. ALthough i do feel better when working, i guess that has to do with the endorphins kicking up. I had possibly the funniest day today. Yesterday One of the assistant supervisors was yelling at me saying i wasn't going fast enough. I made some comments back to him and such, he really irritated me. So as of todays paycheck they started deducting my union dues. Making it official i'm a Teamster. I was working with one of the guy's that's been there for over 15 years. I told him about the other day and the one supervisior laying into me and such. The guy i'm working with goes which one, and i tell him alex. So this guy walks out of the truck, and yells "hey alex" till the guys shows up. Then he says and i quote "Hey stop bothering mike and go fuck yourself, you got anymore problems tell it to the union". The supervisor just kind of walked away. Funny shit, certainly made my day.
Lione's next event should be fun, doing the play 2 character thing again, or at least planning on it. I prefer camp windham except for the increased distance. For 2 posible reason's 1 being the better lighting outside the tavern... which is key for night fighting. and secondly the fact that CC is right downstairs instead of a huge walk.
I'm still havn't a terrible time getting used to working that early, i'm sure i will eventually but for right now i need a